Our Cookbook is Published!

Yup - Ernest and I finally had a new "baby" in our mid fifties!! And we took delivery just a few days before the end of 2016!
It took us 10 years - 9 to agree how to do it and one to produce it!. Our new cookbook has got at least 50 recipes but it's over 144 pages of history, stories, beer and wine pairings, mindful food lessons and more.
And here is a review!
I just got my hands on a new book put out by the Lodge at Lake Clear.
Far more than a simple cookbook, this collection of long time Adirondack recipes is woven with the history of Lodge and the families who've worked it. Today's Lodge at Lake Clear is the marriage of the Fisher and Hohmeyer families and the intertwined story lived out in yet another generation. Besides the secret Old World and Traditional Adirondack concoctions that the Lodge is known for, tales told, pictures shown, and poems shared are on every page. Written by those who lived the experience and edited by Adirondack Attics writer Andy Flynn, this collection is a must have for anyone remotely interested in the Adirondacks, the Locally Grown food movement, or the history of "Americana".
And for those of you that know us - and those that don't... it is a strange history! My (mother's) family built it, Ernest's family bought it in 1965, I used to work here and then came back to lease the place. No - I did not marry into the business. I chose to be here on my own - I just never got rid of any of the Hohmeyers - lol!! But that's spoilers for the book.
Another story that I am not sure that's in there... When I was in first grade and he was in second, Ernest asked me a joke about marriage and I fell over and broke my arm. Fate or a warning? neither of us are even sure to this day. And neither of us remembered that it was each other on that school playground til after we got married in 1992!
You see I have a confession - as of this writing I have not even read the entire thing cover to cover like some people already have. Ernest wrote the stories, the beer and wine pairings and some of the common roots history.
I wrote down the recipes and the mindful preparations and some of the history.
Then we boggled Andy Flynn's brain (he's a local book editor) as he figured out how to place it all in the pages of a book and he came up with the "most complicated book" he's ever done! Check out more of his books at Hungry Bear Publishing.
And two of my favorite health promoters agreed to write on the back of the book.
Thanks to Dr Karen Kan MD - one of my "new age" mentors and fellow energy worker! Checkout her weekly blog and info here. You can even purchase a 12 module online course where I teach two modules of food preparation. Dr K just interviewed me about the book on her radio show and I had a blast! Listen in here.
And to Sally Fallon Morell, founder of the Weston A Price Foundation: traditional foods research advocate and real foods promoter worldwide. We were honored to have Sally here at The Lake Clear Lodge, June 2016 for a Real Foods Summit. I have been a WAPF Chapter Leader for many years and love talking to my customers about the mindful preparations of food.
During the Summit, I got to do the preview for the PBS video when they interviewed Sally in the studio. Click here for the link for the PBS production, Separating Fat from Fiction.
We are thankful for all the years here and wanted to honor the work that's been done to preserve our little piece of the Adirondacks. From my family to Ernest's, then to ours. Our three children have added a true dimension of themselves here as well.
We hope that you can "visit" us sometime - even if it's only through the pages and pictures of our book, getting a tour of the restaurant , a tour of our Lodge or watching a cooking demo or class on YOutube.
if you'd like to purchase one you can go here.
We can ship it, or you can stop by The Lake Clear Lodge.
2017 is sure to be interesting! All the best and
Stay Nourished